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Marketing & Audience Engagement

High-quality journalism does not mean anything if nobody reads it. Interacting with our audience and continuously trying to grow our readership has been key in staying a relevant news source. We have also generated money through advertisements and partnerships, which has allowed us to continue producing content.

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Website Analytics:

Website analytics tell us how many people visit our site per day, which days are higher than others, how long people stay on our site and which articles people read the most. These numbers help us reflect on which articles were more popular and how we can apply the success of those stories to all of our articles.

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This graph shows us the number of readers on our site from Jan. 12, 2022, to Feb 11, 2022.

This page lets us know which articles have been viewed the most.

Partnerships with Local Businesses:

Along with subscriptions, printing advertisements are one of our primary methods of paying for printing our newspapers and running our website. We partner with small businesses, such as local bookstore Island Books, by printing their advertisements and giving them newspaper copies to share in their store, and in return they pay us, which allows us to print more issues later on.

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Audience Engagement:

Engaging with our audience is crucial to getting more people interested in The MIHS Islander. Below are a few examples of how we interact with our readers and keep them interested in our content.

Website comments:

These comments refer to my "10 Things I Hate About You" football article that I wrote earlier this year.

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Social Media:

We use our social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, to remind our audience when and how to pick up their newspaper, as well as other MIHS Islander updates.

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© 2022 by Alex Levin. Created with

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